
mathpunk 2018-04-17T03:54:10.000024Z

I was trying to deal with this bug (https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/1841), and in investigating it I discovered that test.check refers to a namespace that it doesn't have in the definition of test-context-stacktrace: https://github.com/clojure/test.check/blob/master/src/main/clojure/clojure/test/check/clojure_test/assertions.cljc#L12

mathpunk 2018-04-17T03:55:07.000177Z

I commented that line out, and my problem went away. It's not clear to me how to contribute or report that so, I'm mentioning it here

mathpunk 2018-04-17T03:57:57.000104Z

As I look at it more closely, I doubt it's that exact spot that helped; but, there are definitely several references to a clojure.test.check.clojure-test namespace. I see only a clojure_test directory, but no namespace

alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:18:53.000141Z

that’s due to someone monkey-patching clojure.test

alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:18:57.000055Z

leiningen does that

alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:19:00.000130Z

maybe others

alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:20:05.000257Z


alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:20:38.000163Z

and https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/TCHECK-113

mathpunk 2018-04-17T04:29:03.000087Z

While I did see this, I don't quiiiiite know what it means, nor what it implies about my project being a boot project

mathpunk 2018-04-17T04:30:24.000134Z

I've heard the term but only the context of 1) Ruby objects and 2) disapproval. Sometimes at once~

alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:32:15.000152Z

well this may be something similar but different, not sure. Leiningen reaches in and replaces the implementation of part of clojure.test, which breaks test.check’s expectation.

alexmiller 2018-04-17T04:32:31.000120Z

that’s a pretty dirty trick imo :)

nwjsmith 2018-04-17T14:39:28.000008Z

@ghadi https://github.com/nwjsmith/generators.graph

👍 1
ghadi 2018-04-17T14:41:32.000901Z

Nice @nwjsmith. That will be very useful, also good learning material.

nwjsmith 2018-04-17T14:42:40.000537Z

I'll try to spruce it up a bit this week. I think there's a ton of performance improvements available too, so I'd like to get some benchmarks around it.