
Testing tools, testing philosophy & methodology...
jindrichm 2015-08-06T14:11:34.000008Z

Hi, what people use as Clojurescript test runner? Custom scripts with cljs.build.api/watch or something like [lein-doo](https://github.com/bensu/doo)?

nberger 2015-08-06T15:13:32.000010Z

I'm using a custom script, but will consider bensu/doo the next time, looks nice

jindrichm 2015-08-06T15:53:30.000011Z

@nberger: Do you use cljs.build.api/watch in your custom script or something else (such as a Javascript script)?

nberger 2015-08-06T16:41:56.000012Z

@jindrichm: I used a javascript script with a base html page, because I wanted to test some react components mounted on the dom. The setup was similar to that of https://github.com/emezeske/lein-cljsbuild/tree/1.0.6/example-projects/advanced

nberger 2015-08-06T16:43:17.000014Z

I think I took the base setup from somewhere else, but I can't find it now

jindrichm 2015-08-06T16:44:54.000015Z

@nberger: Thanks for the link! It seems I should investigate it in more depth.

nberger 2015-08-06T16:52:00.000016Z

No problem. Anyways, don't take as a recommendation... If you don't need to mount on the DOM you could just use cljs.build.api and even call (run-tests) from your test file