doo looks interesting. Anyone actually using it?
Hi guys! on doo
and the dom.
@nberger: If you wanted you could definitely mount things on the dom if you use the Slimer or Phantom runners. No html needed, doo takes care of that for you
if you need any assistance on setting that up, I'll be happy put out some docs.
@nberger: right now I'm working on karma integration to test on all major browsers
@ricardo: don't hesistate to ask for help to get the basic setup, even if you won't be using doo
@jindrichm: even if you don't pick doo
, look at the scripts. The hard thing about cljs testing is getting all the quircks of the js environments right.
There are some guiding comments on the scripts that show where the dragons are, like "meta charset UTF-8 needed because some libraries like d3 use unicode and not ascii"
or, "patch core async to avoid Slimer security errors"
@bensu: Thanks, will look at it more carefully later today.
@bensu: well, the project I was talking about was from 3 months ago, I don't know if doo was even a baby by that time :)
@bensu but... I'll take the opportunity to thank you for doo... The other day I used it in the port of test.chuck to cljs and it went like a breeze
@nberger: cool!