
Testing tools, testing philosophy & methodology...
bruceadams 2016-03-27T18:52:26.000030Z

I’m not sure this is exactly a testing topic. I recently started using https://github.com/jonase/eastwood on some of my code. I was very impressed. It did find some real issues (mostly in tests, those tests weren’t doing what I intended). So: eastwood awesome! My trouble comes from a bunch of issues that eastwood found, but aren’t really in my code. It turns out that eastwood and https://github.com/scgilardi/slingshot (which I use) don’t play well together.

bruceadams 2016-03-27T18:54:07.000032Z

This https://github.com/scgilardi/slingshot/pull/55 does fix the problem, but it remains un-merged (and, therefore, unreleased).

bruceadams 2016-03-27T18:59:44.000034Z

I’d like to be able to run eastwood on Travis and fail my build if eastwood finds any issues. But, since I use slingshot’s (try+ …), eastwood always finds things to complain about.