
Testing tools, testing philosophy & methodology...

so we understand each other, let me know how it goes

anmonteiro 2016-07-15T11:46:16.000066Z

@bensu: I got it to work but not in the Boot pipeline

anmonteiro 2016-07-15T11:47:01.000067Z

because everything you add to the Boot fileset becomes its own temp dir, so it won’t ever find node_modules

anmonteiro 2016-07-15T11:47:19.000068Z

I can however use the target task and run the compiled JS from there which works

anmonteiro 2016-07-15T11:48:36.000069Z

so my solution for now is make test which runs the boot task among other things


mmm, there has to be a way! did #C053K90BR said there was no way?

anmonteiro 2016-07-15T18:43:18.000071Z

@bensu: I had no clear answer there. the thing is Boot has these temp dirs and the result of CLJS compilation goes into one, node_modules goes into another.

anmonteiro 2016-07-15T18:43:37.000072Z

only when the fileset is written to the target directory can I rely on them being in the same