
Testing tools, testing philosophy & methodology...
gadfly361 2016-08-27T10:56:27.000086Z

@eraserhd I use cljs.test, lein-doo (w/ phantomjs), and react test utils. Here is an example: https://github.com/reagent-project/reagent-cookbook/tree/master/recipes/test-example-with-ReactTestUtils

eraserhd 2016-08-27T17:39:32.000088Z

@gadfly361 Ooh, this looks pretty instructive.

eraserhd 2016-08-27T17:40:48.000089Z

I saw doo, and got that running. We're using Om.

dominicm 2016-08-27T19:09:36.000090Z

@eraserhd I got bidi hooked up using Rhino, which meant that phantomjs didn't need installing globally. May or may not help for you.

eraserhd 2016-08-27T19:10:12.000091Z

@dominicm Do you have a DOM?

dominicm 2016-08-27T19:11:20.000092Z

I see a slight joke if asking if DOMinic has a DOM. 😛

eraserhd 2016-08-27T19:11:35.000093Z


dominicm 2016-08-27T19:11:42.000094Z

@eraserhd bidi is DOM-less.

eraserhd 2016-08-27T19:12:20.000095Z

Why Rhino, vs. the Java8 JS interpreter (whose name I forget)

eraserhd 2016-08-27T19:12:20.000096Z


dominicm 2016-08-27T19:12:50.000097Z

Because testers may be on Java 7.

eraserhd 2016-08-27T19:12:50.000098Z


eraserhd 2016-08-27T19:12:54.000099Z


dominicm 2016-08-27T19:13:16.000100Z

Yeah. I tried nashorn first.