
Testing tools, testing philosophy & methodology...
ricardo 2016-10-07T07:18:25.000020Z

Hey @bensu, quick question… Can one specify the js-env as part of the :doo properties? If so, with which keyword? :js-env “phantom” doesn’t seem to do the trick, I still get the help prompt.


can you try :js-env :phantom?


I think there is a bug for that last argument, also which version are you using?

ricardo 2016-10-07T07:30:49.000023Z

I did. No workee. 🙂 I’m using 0.1.7. Do you want me to file a bug?

ricardo 2016-10-07T07:34:07.000024Z

Actually, 0.1.7 for the library, 0.1.6 for the plugin. Updating the plugin to 0.1.7 barfs with an assertion on the same basic configuration which works on 0.1.6: (not (and (default? cli-alias) (not (contains? alias-map :default)))) Configuration is simply :doo {:build "test”}


That is sad, there is one bug on one version and a different bug on another one 😞


Can you open an issue so that I can track it?