hello, how do you get the query parameter's value using ring.mock.request? for example, I have this resource route:
(defroutes app
(ANY "/" []
(resource :available-media-types ["text/html"]
:exists? (fn [context]
(= "wooji" (get-in context [:request :params "dog"])))
:handle-ok "You found a treasure!"
:handle-not-found "Nope! That's not the treasure")))
and here's the test:
(facts "about GET /?dog=wooji"
(let [response (app (request :get "/" {:dog "wooji"}))]
(fact "body: You found a treasure"
(:body response) => "You found a treasure!"))))
But it doesn't seem to work,
the app handler is using the wrap-params
(which I think is required to correct ring.mock.request
capturing of parameters:
(def handler
(-> app
If I type it directly to the browser, it works, but ring.mock.request seems like not being able to get it