
Testing tools, testing philosophy & methodology...

Hi! does anyone know where to find a good example on how to use clojure.test/report to build custom assertion functions? (I understand that’s the way to go rather than wrapping clojure.test/is)

nberger 2017-03-18T18:09:58.738034Z

@facundo: the way to do that is by defining new methods of the assert-expr multimethod. From the clojure.test ns dictating:

You can extend the behavior of the \"is\" macro by defining new
   methods for the \"assert-expr\" multimethod.  These methods are
   called during expansion of the \"is\" macro, so they should return
   quoted forms to be evaluated.
I don't have an example at hand

nberger 2017-03-18T18:11:05.743333Z

c.t/report is just for reporting, not for assertions

nberger 2017-03-18T18:11:47.746344Z

And nice to see you around btw :)

👍 1
nberger 2017-03-18T18:28:13.821278Z

Here you can find some examples from clojure.test itself: https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/clj/clojure/test.clj#L491


thanks for the answer @nberger ! that code was useful, but I figure I wasn’t accurate when I said assertion functions


I actually want to create a function to use instead of is rather that something to call inside is


I already have a working version of what I want, but wrapping is calls. It goes something like this:

(deftest application-crud
  (testing "create a new app"
    (-> (POST "/api/v1/management/applications" {:name "my-app"})
        (expect :status 201
                :body {:name “my-app”}))))


the expect function checks the response of the request against the parameters given (:status, :body, etc)


I already implemented expect wrapping calls to is, which works well enough


the one thing that I’m loosing is the line numbers, which point to the expect definition rather than the failing test. I imagine I could make a macro or something to preserve the line numbers