
gowder 2016-06-03T03:22:26.000127Z

So you want the map and the :created vector from the map?

gowder 2016-06-03T03:28:22.000128Z

That would just be something like (mapv (juxt :created identity) (filter #(= "status" (:field %)) items)) I'm pretty sure rich hickey discovered every conceivable sequence function in his hammock and then stuck it into the language

dmbennett 2016-06-03T15:26:32.000130Z

returns all nils

dmbennett 2016-06-03T15:28:44.000131Z

I think because items is already filtered to the level of not having created sticking around

dmbennett 2016-06-03T15:29:06.000132Z

the place where all the data lives together is (histories)