
Discuss tools.deps.alpha,, and the clj/clojure command-line scripts! See also #depstar #clj-new
Aaron Cummings 2020-09-15T17:43:14.252300Z

Does there exist a tool like Mr. Anderson (dependency shading) for tools-deps?


I haven't actually used Mr. Anderson, but am aware of it and why someone might want to use it. Is Mr. Anderson in any way currently tied to Leiningen?

Aaron Cummings 2020-09-15T18:08:19.252600Z

It is a leiningen plugin, but it looks like it could be used directly. But I'm having trouble describing what I'm trying to accomplish, which maybe means I'm reaching for the wrong thing. I'll need to think about this some more.


I have never done this before, but the Mr. Anderson project README has a brief note and a pointer to this repository, which seems to use Mr. Anderson in a way that doesn't require Leiningen:

rberger 2020-09-15T20:36:09.259Z

I am wondering why I’m getting

shadow-cljs - starting via "clojure"
Error building classpath. USERAUTH fail
org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: USERAUTH fail
(Full stacktrace at This happens if I have the following in my .ssh/config:
Host <|>
  User git
  Port 22
  HostName <|>
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github.rsa
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  TCPKeepAlive yes
  IdentitiesOnly yes

Host *
  User myname
  Port 22
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  TCPKeepAlive yes
  IdentitiesOnly yes
All my regular git activity works fine with this, and it seems I need this for macOS automatic key loading to work If I remove the Host * entry the clojure tools git loading works fine. I presume this is a jgit issue but I’m wondering if there is a way to make this work as I’m expecting or if I’m expecting wrong. The Maven issues talk about setting to useNativeGit=true but I don’t know if there is a way to do it with the clojure tools I had this problem once before and removed the offending config stuff, but I would like to figure out how to make this work with this or equivalent ssh config if possible.

seancorfield 2020-09-15T20:50:35.259500Z

IdentityFile is the problem I believe, based on discussions I've seen here...

seancorfield 2020-09-15T20:51:09.259900Z

But @alexmiller can give you a more authoritative answer...

alexmiller 2020-09-15T20:53:58.260200Z

that's definitely where I'd start (by removing that)

alexmiller 2020-09-15T20:56:09.261200Z

since it looks like you are using a different github key, I'm not sure of the right combination of things to make it work. you might need to add that key with ssh-add


it does use it as a library there