Hey folks. I just ran into a problem at deps resolution: Error building classpath. Could not find artifact gcardone:junidecode:jar:0.2 in central (<https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/>)
My project is not directly referencing this lib and I don't know where in the dep tree it is referenced from. Is there any way to trace this with the clojure command line?
clojure -Stree
Unfortunately that fails with the same error without printing anything useful. So do -Spath and -Strace
oh right :)
then bisect?
maybe also try -Sforce
which will force recreation of classpath
bisect it is then
force does not help
I'm surprised trace doesn't output anything. That would be pretty useful for this case.
Is the secret verbose flag still a thing the?
there isn't a good answer for this right now other than tracing down the deps tree semi-manually
I've been looking at some new tools for questions like this
or you could -Spom and mvn dependency:tree
might get more info that way
hmm could try that yeah
well, that also fails with the same I'm afraid
maybe mvn -X dependency:tree
Sorry, I meant -Spom
oh, right :)
found it in the end by reverting and updating deps one by one