How to prevent Ctrl-C from quitting clj
I'm too used to repl-y's meaning of Ctrl-C (which interrupts eval OR discards current unsubmitted input but never quits the repl)
I think that's the default behavior for a Java process (default signal handler)
so you actually would need to install a new signal handler
thanks, I'll do that!
there is actually a thing in clojure.repl I think that does that
at the very least, that's something to look at
the signal handler stuff is a little weird in that it's a very old sun.misc interface. Java made a big push to eradicate all of those a while back but at the time they had no replacement way to do this. afaik, they still don't.
thanks for all the info
(clojure.repl/set-break-handler! identity)
was quite satisfactory