Struggling to figure out how to use -P
, my understanding was it would essentially merge all aliases and :deps
and resolve them all, without having to do stuff like: clojure -R:all:the:aliases -e "(println :resolved)"
If I run clojure -P
it appears to do nothing
-P will "prepare" by downloading all necessary deps and caching classpath etc, then not execute
so it's intended to be used in combination with other exec options (-A / -M / -X)
ah ok
when I run clojure -P -A:all:my:aliases
it doesn’t appear to resolve the deps (after previously having removed them from my .m2)
@rickmoynihan What version of the CLI do you have? clojure -Sdescribe
it’s ok it does seem to work — I made a mistake with the dep I chose to delete
Ah, OK.