is there a deps.local.edn which is not tracked by git but allows for per-project customization?
I don't believe so
Then how do you customize the project setting without hindering other developers?
what project setting would you customize?
if you mean personal developer tools, you can put those in your ~/.clojure/deps.edn
like project specific different alias
can you be more specific? why don't you just add your alias to the deps.edn?
because that file is tracked in git. and shared by other devs.
do your colleagues mind if you put a personal fully qualified alias in there?
There is not, but this would be really useful for monorepos
There’s a tools deps lib function that merges deps maps (same thing used to merge personal +project deps.edn). We generate the project deps.edn by calling that on the repo + project deps edn with make
we do the same using a babashka script, but the resulting deps.edn lives in our git, so it doesn't contain "personal" config let's say
After pushing for an extra deps file for a long time for monorepo use, I eventually realized we could do everything we needed by approaching the structure a bit differently: