
Discuss tools.deps.alpha,, and the clj/clojure command-line scripts! See also #depstar #clj-new

Take :mvn/repos for example, no way I could know it cound’t be put into aliases, unless I put it and find there would be an error.


An extra question, do you know where to specify the .rebel-history file. Currently, it is always created under my working directory.

seancorfield 2021-04-18T02:43:43.012700Z

@i It makes sense that it would be created wherever you run a REPL using Rebel Readline — that’s exactly what nREPL does with its .nrepl-history file.

seancorfield 2021-04-18T02:44:24.012900Z

Same as the Clojure CLI creating .cpcache in the working directory.

practicalli-john 2021-04-18T02:49:12.013100Z

I agree with Sean about the history as the large majority of expressions will be project specific. There is a global config file for rebel, but I don't see an option for setting a global history file. If there really is a case for a global history file, then I suggest raising an issue on the rebel readline project.

seancorfield 2021-04-18T02:50:42.013300Z

The docs (for deps.edn) are not as explicit as they could be. deps.edn is described “with top-level keys :deps, :paths, and :aliases, plus provider-specific keys for configuring dependency sources” but you have to read the Procurers section much further on to find mention of the :mvn/repos (top-level procurer-specific key). And I don’t see :mvn/local-repo mentioned there (it’s another top-level procurer-specific key, to change the default "~/.m2" folder path).