Barely familiar with powershell and looking for a guide. Is anyone aware of a step by step guide for ATLAS installation on Windows 10?
There is. Please read the getting started guide about how to find (and where) pre-compiled ATLAS for windows. If you already have the libatlas.dll, the ONLY thing to do is to put it somewhere in the PATH, either by putting it in a directory that is already on the path (windows\system or something like this, I forgot the exact name) or to edit the path through environment variables.
The next version won't require that. I switched neanderthal to Intel's MKL, which is free to use and redistribute (but not open source).
MKL has pre-compiled binaries for all major systems that run intel on intel's chips (including amd's chips) so I guess it would be much easier for users who are more comfortable with installers on windows.
@aaelony see my previous messages
Thanks for that. An installer of some kind would be nice. Mostly though I need to get more familiar with win 10
Yesterday I installed MKL on Win 10 to build neanderthal-native for Windows, and it was typical 20 click next-next-next. Typical windows hassle, but works.
A bonus is that MKL is unbelievably fast. Roughly twice as fast as ATLAS on my machine for parallel execution.
will look into it. Also, to run bayadera i had to lein localrepo the commons jar manually just fyi
yes, I know. I will update bayadera to run with newest neanderthal and releasse commons after I get back from Berlin. The problem is that I had to write lots of documentation and tutorials before that release...
So, it runs without issues on your setup?
Well, I need to install atlas first ;) but other than a lot of warnings so far so good
noticed you used quil in your test examples, eager to see that run in a gorilla notebook
these warnings should not be from bayadera, but from the testing libraries.
once i get atlas running i think it will be great
I just used quil for defsketch. the plots are in processing
you have a up-market AMD GPU that supports OpenCL 2.0?
have a titan x and win10
Not supported yet since Nvidia only supports OpenCL 1.2
:( darn
But, don't despair 🙂
I have a new GTX 1080
So, I'll create ClojureCUDA
heheh, awesome
and CUDA backend for Neanderthal
and then I'll decide whether I'll support Nvidia through CUDA or OpenCL 1.2 in Bayadera
Probably CUDA, but it remains to be seen
Neanderthal works on Nvidia
And should run really fast on your card I suppose
Because it reaches 5.5 TFLOPS on mine, if I remember well
for sure, it's a beast
So, for Bayadera, you'll have to wait, but Neanderthal already works smoothly
once I have things set, I lmk what I can test
benchmark etc
cool. please share when you do. For the reference, the mm! example from opencl tutorial (see tests) runs in 220ms on GTX 1080 (8192x8192 matrices)
will try it out