
qqq 2017-12-19T09:03:53.000292Z

1. Unhandled java.io.FileNotFoundException Could not locate uncomplicate/clojurecuda__init.class or uncomplicate/clojurecuda.clj on classpath.

qqq 2017-12-19T09:04:13.000074Z

however, I already ahve: [uncomplicate/neanderthal "0.17.2"] [uncomplicate/clojurecuda "0.2.0"] in my build.boot

qqq 2017-12-19T09:04:19.000017Z

what am I doing wrong? @blueberry

qqq 2017-12-19T09:25:31.000184Z

oh, I didn't have cuda installed

qqq 2017-12-19T09:25:37.000286Z

does clojurecuda support cuda 9 ?


@qqq The 0.18.0 snapshot does support CUDA 9. For it to be released, someone needs to build JCuda for macOS. It is quite straigthforward, and it is the only thing that is holding JCuda 0.9.0 and Neanderhal 0.18.0.

qqq 2017-12-19T10:56:20.000167Z

I should have mentioned on Ubuntu 16.

qqq 2017-12-19T10:56:32.000503Z

I got JCuda working, but I couldn't get ClojureCuda working, so I'm going with JCuda for now.


You got JCuda 0.8.0 working on CUDA 9?

qqq 2017-12-19T11:02:17.000266Z

I installed Cuda9 from http://nvidia.com I installed JCuda by accident via neanderthal/clojurecuda JCublas/init appears to be working (still convbeting over sgemm jcuda java code to clojure)

qqq 2017-12-19T11:02:37.000092Z

according to dpkg -l , cuda9 also installed cuda7 and cuda8, so maybe that's why it apperas to be working

qqq 2017-12-19T11:03:03.000315Z

it's entirely possible that jcuda 0.8.0 is calling the cuda8 that the cuda9 package also installed, but I don't know how to verify that


No need to verify: JCuda 0.8.0 does not support CUDA 9, and JCuda 0.9.0 has not yet been released to Clojars (due to the missing macOS build).

qqq 2017-12-19T11:05:03.000304Z

are you also a dev/contributor to JCuda, or just monitor it closely ?


I just help with testing and building, and helped with a few minor bugfixes.


That is, I did this for JOCL (from the same author). For JCuda, I just helped with the 0.9.0 build for Linux.

qqq 2017-12-19T13:18:54.000367Z

finally got the JCuda sgemm example working, quite instructive 🙂