
john 2018-01-25T21:56:14.000651Z

I was trying to follow the latest tutorial on MacOS. On lein deps I'm getting Could not find artifact org.jcuda:jcuda-natives:jar:apple-x86_64:0.9.0 in central (<https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/>)

john 2018-01-25T21:56:22.000541Z

are the apple builds not up yet?

john 2018-01-25T22:03:51.000131Z

And I'm using [uncomplicate/clojurecl "0.8.0"]

john 2018-01-25T22:11:00.000141Z

If I add to my deps:

[org.jcuda/jcuda "0.8.0"]
[uncomplicate/clojurecl "0.8.0"
  :exclusions [org.jcuda/jcuda org.jcuda/jcublas-natives]]
I get java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError when I require the libs.