Hi, I'm trying to "dip a first toe into the waters" of deep learning in Clojure, and started with https://neanderthal.uncomplicate.org/articles/guides.html, which I found from your https://dragan.rocks/articles/19/Deep-Learning-in-Clojure-From-Scratch-to-GPU-0-Why-Bother article.
Thank you for these excellent resources. Skimming ahead, everything looks truly excellent.
Sadly, though, I'm stuck at the first lines of "basic setup":
- In "Getting Started" it's not obvious if the tasks under Installation are needed, or are superseded by the next section With Leineingen
- In "Hello world" there are few details in the readme; and the project is not setup to work with lein run
. I don't see how to take the first baby steps.
It is obvious that a lot of work and love went into Neanderthal and the "Deep Learning From ..." articles. I don't want to be "that guy" who is bothered by the tiny bits of instruction missing at the beginning. But, I'm stuck.
@deg you definitely need to install the MKL libs. Once those are installed, simple typical lein project with neanderthal dependency should 'just work'.
@deg MKL must be on the path. Whether you install it or just provide raw .so/.dll/.dylib is up to you. As for leiningen, the project is meant to be used with lein repl
(and/or cider-jack-in or whatever you use to get a live repl).