

cuda: nvidia gpu. mkl: intel & amd cpu. opencl: intel & amd cpu, intel & amd gpu.

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quadron 2020-02-09T18:22:01.007700Z

@blueberry will your books ever be released without the need to subscribe?

quadron 2020-02-09T19:38:18.009Z

i tried to execute the code from: https://dragan.rocks/articles/18/Neanderthal-vs-ND4J-vol5

quadron 2020-02-09T19:38:50.009600Z

the following code prints the data to the console and also throws an error:

quadron 2020-02-09T19:38:55.009800Z

(let [n 10] (with-release [x (fmap! random (unn/fv n))] (println x)))

quadron 2020-02-09T19:39:59.010900Z

_*#RealBlockVector[float, n:10, offset: 0, stride:1]*_ _*[ 0.36 0.40 0.11 ⋯ 0.44 0.39 ]*_ _*Execution error (IllegalAccessError) at uncomplicate.commons.core/eval33105$fn (core.clj:69).*_ _*class uncomplicate.commons.core$eval33105$fn__33106 (in unnamed module @0x764af06a) cannot access class jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export jdk.internal.ref to unnamed module @0x764af06a*_

quadron 2020-02-09T19:40:27.011300Z

any ideas what might be going wrong here?!

quadron 2020-02-09T19:41:49.012200Z

I've tried this with neanderthal 0.26.1 and 0.27.0, same output


@veix.q5 you need to either enable this JVM option:

:jvm-opts ^:replace ["--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED"]
if you on Java 9+, or use Java 8. See https://github.com/uncomplicate/neanderthal/blob/master/examples/hello-world/project.clj Regarding the books: Version 1.0.0 will be available for purchase (through a special Patreon tier subscription that you can cancel as soon as you download the book).

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