$ lein unrepl-make-blob
'unrepl-make-blob' is not a task. See 'lein help'.
@plexus this commit is for you, sorry
❯ lein unrepl-make-blob
java.io.FileNotFoundException: resources/unrepl/blob.clj (No such file or directory)
Am I doing something wrong?sigh, mkdir -p resources/unrepl
I always forget that empty directories don't get added to git
@dominicm this one is for you
each time one sends the blob it creates new random namespaces
do you think it would be valuable to give the possibility to make it deterministic at times?
Only if there's no way to know where to start the unrepl from?
Alternatively you could output the "start" command in a separate file & then it can be made part of the build process
I don’t follow
ah, I didn't realise the blob started the unrepl too. Then I can't think of a reason then.
@cgrand, let me dig it up
essentially I just added this line: https://github.com/pesterhazy/unravel/commit/8745ce0b04cb4f06731be4d01673fff0dea48453#diff-4b59c34da654386a4fcfbb7cc6a57e79R292
sorry for the not-too-clean diff
if you add a similar feature, I can update unravel to use the updated code in the next days
But I retaliated with https://github.com/cgrand/unrepl/commit/2eb1eb88c2b59df743639fbd46c3d1f45ba550ed#diff-4b59c34da654386a4fcfbb7cc6a57e79R311 🙂
@pesterhazy I’m looking at your commands, should’t the :doc
command returns something more structured (all metadata (or a subset)? something else?)
It should
I just implemented the minimum to get the feature I wanted, as a proof of concept
keys: :canonical-name :forms :docstring :urls :type (:macro :special ...)
Yeah I think there's a lot to learn from existing completion libs
The keys you mention look sensible
What libs should we look at for inspiration?
has a surprisingly well documented list of what it returns.
might be worth perusing the clients like fireplace/cider.el to find out what keys from meta they actually care about
is something I notice missing.
for completion the cider
one is https://github.com/alexander-yakushev/compliment
yeah I was thinking of compliment
on the related topic of "inlining" dependency, there's https://github.com/benedekfazekas/mranderson and https://github.com/jafingerhut/dolly
might be useful if we want to include a library in a payload bundle
I'll look into dolly. Mranderson is a nogo