Does anybody use a JVM debugger with Clojure!?
@cgrand occasionally, very occasionally I use cider
, but not an actual JVM debugger
I wasted time during lunch figuring out why argnames wheren’t always available...
the answer: the stubs invoke which delegate to invokeStatic don’t have this information...
which leads me to think that almost nobody use debuggers
I've tried visualvm in the past for profiling, but couldn't ever get it to work properly (with boot)
well I don't really know what cider does there but I really rarely use debuggers
@richiardiandrea I think that cider don’t use a “true” (jvm) debugger. Can you step in java code? (eg in Clojure hash maps)
@pesterhazy visualvm works but most defaults are off (haven’t tried with boot though)
Yeah you might be right, I actually never debugged java code with cider
Not an unrepl yet (but it’s a standard “sub” repl, so upgradable):
Clojure 1.8.0
user=> (require '[net.cgrand.poucet :refer [trace break]])nil
user=> (defn fact ([n] (fact n 1)) ([n p] (if (pos? n) (fact (dec n) (* n p)) p)))
user=> (break fact)
#object[$MethodEntryRequestImpl 0x6edc4161 "method entry request (enabled)"]
user=> (fact 4)
arguments n: 4
"user$fact" "invoke" "<no source>" => :cont
arguments n: 4, p: 1
"user$fact" "invoke" "<no source>" => :cont
arguments n: 3, p: 4
"user$fact" "invoke" "<no source>" => :cont
arguments n: 2, p: 12
"user$fact" "invoke" "<no source>" => :cont
arguments n: 1, p: 24
"user$fact" "invoke" "<no source>" => :cont
arguments n: 0, p: 24
"user$fact" "invoke" "<no source>" => :cont
I thought we were aiming at