
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
cgrand 2017-08-20T09:41:31.000035Z

Anyone familiar with CLIM around? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Lisp_Interface_Manager?wprov=sfti1

cgrand 2017-08-20T09:43:55.000042Z

> The Common Lisp Interface Manager (clim) pro- vides a layered set of facilities for building user in- terfaces. These facilities include a portable lay- ers for basic windowing, input, output services, and mechanisms for constructing window types and user interface components; stream-oriented input and output facilities extended with presentations and context sensitive input

cgrand 2017-08-20T13:20:27.000031Z

> clim provides the ability to asso- ciate semantics with output, such that Lisp objects may be retrieved later via user gestures (e.g. mouse clicks) on their displayed representation. This con- text sensitive input is modularly layered on top of the output recording facility and is integrated with the Common Lisp type system. A mechanism for type coercion is also included, providing the basis for powerful user interfaces.

pesterhazy 2017-08-20T14:15:18.000045Z

not familiar but curious

richiardiandrea 2017-08-20T15:25:52.000029Z

wow that's interesting

ghadi 2017-08-20T17:28:47.000077Z

Let's hook up unrepl to a websocket @cgrand and have CLim