
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
cgrand 2017-09-02T15:29:24.000153Z

Guys, Iā€™m on the verge of making a debatable decision.

cgrand 2017-09-02T15:30:07.000014Z

Since unrepl stands for unicorn repl, I propose the official pronuncation to be yoonrepl.

cgrand 2017-09-02T15:31:51.000102Z

to make it easier to discuss unrepl and nrepl

dominicm 2017-09-02T17:29:18.000002Z

I didn't know the origin of the name. That's awesome. Everyone will pronounce it wrong, but that doesn't make it bad.

cgrand 2017-09-02T18:16:42.000023Z

Unicorn is one of many apocryphal interpretations.

cgrand 2017-09-02T18:19:24.000062Z

Tonight, I chatted with @anmonteiro at ClojuTRE after party and wasn't able to keep a straight face saying yoonrepl.

richiardiandrea 2017-09-02T19:22:04.000104Z

I like yoonrepl, I think it has the right spin

cgrand 2017-09-02T20:07:45.000060Z

What do you mean?

cgrand 2017-09-02T20:08:26.000007Z

Anyway, try it for a while and report how it feels to say yoonrepl.

richiardiandrea 2017-09-02T21:12:14.000089Z

I mean a nice sound, and it differentiates enough from n-repl

rgdelato 2017-09-02T22:33:20.000023Z

replcorn? (replicorn?) šŸ˜›

šŸŒ½ 1
pesterhazy 2017-09-02T23:24:16.000005Z

Yoonrepl? Never! šŸ™‚

pesterhazy 2017-09-02T23:24:42.000021Z

@cgrand any unrepl-related news from ClojuTRE?