
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
cgrand 2017-10-07T08:16:24.000014Z

Wednesday Nov 8th 2017, Berlin, the whole day: unrepl hack-together. Join us!

pesterhazy 2017-10-07T15:00:06.000050Z

Everyone is welcome

pesterhazy 2017-10-07T15:00:31.000057Z

@plexus will you still be in Berlin in November?

richiardiandrea 2017-10-07T15:32:40.000041Z

Awesome enjoy it folks 😄

volrath 2017-10-07T17:58:58.000041Z

great! do you have a place to meet in mind already? if not, keep us posted, I'm in

👍 3
pesterhazy 2017-10-07T20:22:38.000005Z

@volrath not sure yet about a location, suggestions very welcome!

volrath 2017-10-07T21:47:59.000012Z

alright, I'll think about it 🙂