So this makes unrepl elisions emoji-friendly
@cgrand naïvely read the code, but, doesn't that only work for the two byte unicode characters? (Because you only inc)
Apparently java's character representation isn't how I'm thinking of it, so I'm probably wrong there.
@cgrand I think we're lucky to have you shepherding the protocol! I think you're one of the most talented in the clojure community. You seem to work on actual problemsa lot of people actually have! I think enlive was revolutionary, as is portkey, as is unrepl, xforms is one of my favourite "utility" libraries. I have been thinking recently about "I wonder how Rich would solve problems around the web", which I think is a difficult question because he doesn't have much background with user-facing software. But I think you capture his problem-solving approach, and apply it to a different set of domains.
@dominicm Java (like JS) String model started as UCS-2 because at the time “64K codepoints should be enough for everyone” so each char is 16-bit. Alas the unicode consortium later realized thy had to grow out of the 64K limit so they devised UTF-16 as a way to encode more characters in UCS2 systems but it’s a varying width encoding so an actual unicode character (codepoint) need up to two chars.
I see, interesting. That seems worth my reading a little more about.
So now the unicode space is a bit over one million characters, if we ever reach this point all encodings will fall short
Does that mean we'll have to stop getting new emoji? I was looking forward to recommending a Ycombinator for v11
well you should graph the number of defined codepoints over time to have a guess for when the emoji-apocalypse will happen.
There will be three factions: the emojists, the conservatives and the silent faction of people who still don’t have all characters or diacritics from their language in unicode
I hope people appreciate their emojis from unrepl.
I might open unravel and print some long sequences of emojis or something, just to be sure they get some love.
the thing is that you need to update unravel blob
Probably will also need some work on Unravel side to be able to expand strings in the first place.
Maybe I'll just do plain unrepl.
to render them
you need an emoji-compatible term
I can't render them all pretty like iTerm can, but I can view them via symbola.
@pesterhazy having an option to BYOB (Bring Your Own Blob) would be cool
Has anyone proposed a talk at :clojureD ? CFP ends in two weeks.
Since unrepl started there…
BYOB is a great idea and an even better name
Also it shows that you've been spending time in the US 🙂
I think it’s more about tech being US centric as it is not something I picked here (still in the US; Europe tomorrow)
I meant the concept of BYOB - I've never seen that in Europe
BYOD in Europe? well as a consultant I’ve seen a shift from “here is the laptop you ’ll have to use” to “here is the VPN”
Anecdotes don’t makes stats
I think we're talking about different things... I meant "bring your own bottle" as in U.S. family-style restaurants
I also thought you were talking about BYOD 😛
ah didn’t know it had a name and had my first BYOB experience yesterday
@pesterhazy did you consider going full screen?