
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
cgrand 2017-11-30T00:11:26.000127Z

I have trouble myself finding a 1-sentence description for the ultimate ninja repl

cgrand 2017-11-30T10:55:00.000422Z

@pesterhazy kv elisions are properly rendered (at the end and only one elision), plus ansi codes can be used (yay, syntax color)

cgrand 2017-11-30T10:57:08.000134Z

And @dominicm’s colleagues fav:

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:16:11.000106Z

this looks fantastic

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:16:41.000262Z

is packed up in your branch already?

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:17:01.000001Z

Re: mvn dependencies, we don't use any yet

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:17:58.000034Z

Eventually I'd like to see if an AOT'd version of unravel would be better - that would solve the problem of shipping dependencies (and wouldn't require lumo as a production dep anymore, though we can still use it in dev)

cgrand 2017-11-30T11:22:11.000413Z

Not yet pushed

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:26:19.000016Z

probably easiest to inline the dependency for now (i.e. add src/)?

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:28:01.000048Z

or vendor/

cgrand 2017-11-30T11:37:21.000506Z

I thought about a git module too

cgrand 2017-11-30T11:37:33.000450Z

But I found another way.

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:37:43.000321Z


pesterhazy 2017-11-30T11:37:53.000311Z

I hate submodules with a passion

dominicm 2017-11-30T11:44:59.000125Z

subtrees are your saviour

volrath 2017-11-30T11:55:26.000187Z

I've never used subtrees although I hear they are great.. but I've never had problems with submodules either, so they're my go-to way for repo-to-repo dependency management

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T12:04:26.000109Z

@dominicm can you elaborate?

dominicm 2017-11-30T12:04:56.000141Z

@pesterhazy subtrees mitigate a lot of the pain points of submodules. The https://www.atlassian.com/blog/git/alternatives-to-git-submodule-git-subtree atlassian article is good

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T12:05:26.000357Z

is it included in the standard git distro?

dominicm 2017-11-30T12:05:39.000107Z


pesterhazy 2017-11-30T12:05:56.000390Z

i'll give this a read thanks

dominicm 2017-11-30T12:06:11.000154Z

I wish I could tell slack to not send the image, and only the text for links

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T12:06:54.000324Z

we can probably disable expansions somewhere

volrath 2017-11-30T12:06:57.000184Z

I think it's a setting

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T12:07:02.000263Z

or an admin can

volrath 2017-11-30T12:07:13.000199Z

I believe I've seen it in preferences

volrath 2017-11-30T12:08:21.000068Z

preferences > messages > scroll down

dominicm 2017-11-30T12:08:32.000180Z

is that a personal thing? I don't want to inflict pain on others 😄

dominicm 2017-11-30T12:08:55.000358Z

That looks good anyways 🙂 Thanks.

dominicm 2017-11-30T12:09:03.000471Z

Sorry, didn't mean to start an OT thing like that.

volrath 2017-11-30T12:09:19.000398Z

haha can't say for sure, but I don't think you'll be able to modify somethingglobally without admin perms

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T14:18:14.000559Z

distributing a cljs library via npm. interesting concept

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:24:43.000617Z

@pesterhazy here you go ^^

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:24:57.000421Z

you need to use the flag packed

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:25:49.000476Z

and when next lumo is released and unravel is upgraded to it there will be no need to manually extend the classpath

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:32:49.000750Z

@pesterhazy now that elisions stands out (because of ansi rendering), could it be possible to just print a number. Also commands could be /thing.

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:35:12.000024Z

So if the user sees an underlined 12, the user know s?he has to type /12

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:36:49.000081Z

and /thing is not readable which is a good thing

cgrand 2017-11-30T14:37:14.000363Z

maybe even render as /12 so that the output is not readable

cgrand 2017-11-30T16:41:26.000210Z

@pesterhazy if I use feature flags, do you prefer that I develop on a branch or on master?

pesterhazy 2017-11-30T21:23:49.000369Z

I'd say on a branch - I do the same, makes for easier reviewing

cgrand 2017-11-30T21:45:47.000167Z

ok boss