He mentioned them as tools for DS and ML
But prior art for Jupyter integration is cool
@volrath I think this it a more reliable way of jacking in in boot: https://github.com/Unrepl/unravel/pull/54/files#diff-6b1ccd9ba143f8e1ce5f3cbb218f8894R22
@pesterhazy awesome, thanks! will fix on my end as well.. may I ask, what makes it more reliable?
@volrath in my tests I saw jars being downloaded after unravel connects
the reason being that -i
executes very early on
weather that's a problem I'm actually not 100% sure about but it seems fishy
the caveat is that boot call
requires boot >= 2.7.2
I noticed the thing about the jars being downloaded after
hmm I don't love the dependency to 2.7.2... we could go with -i when < 2.7.2, but that means extra complexity
or we could just make the clients depend on 2.7.2, which i don't know if it'd be problematic.. I know very little about boot's development