
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
cgrand 2017-12-28T13:16:17.000085Z

@rickmoynihan most (if not all) features could be backported to nrepl.

cgrand 2017-12-28T13:23:05.000214Z

But that doesn’t mean that existing clients would work with “nreplU”.

cgrand 2017-12-28T13:25:35.000170Z

Some differences: input is not framed, print is split in two: machine printing (server side) and actual rendering (usually client side), hypermedia (elisions)

volrath 2017-12-28T13:28:29.000178Z

sounds good, I've been postponing it cause I'm not entirely sure how to do it, but yes, let's discuss it soon 🙂

volrath 2017-12-28T13:31:23.000156Z

it is the one thing preventing me to work on unrepl using spiral, which would be cool

bozhidar 2017-12-28T17:11:05.000111Z

I think the biggest practical difference is that for almost 3-4 years very little new has happened in nREPL. I’m really hopeful that the pending nREPL reboot will change this https://github.com/cemerick/nREPL/issues/1

bozhidar 2017-12-28T17:11:23.000137Z

After 0.3 is out I certainly plan to work on a few improvements there myself.

bozhidar 2017-12-28T17:12:05.000386Z

I really hate dealing with clojure-contrib and this made it pretty painful for me to contribute much in the past.


@bozhidar: when do you think 0.3 will happen? And what changes would you like to see happen?


ahhh I see you’ve asked the same question on that ticket…

bozhidar 2017-12-28T18:19:16.000043Z

Only Chas knows when. 🙂 The fun begin afterwards.


I’m mostly curious about the fun 🙂

bozhidar 2017-12-28T21:24:04.000070Z

Aren’t we all. 😉 Things that are important for me are: * targeting Clojure 1.7 by default and adding native support for ClojureScript * making it easier to defer middleware loading until first usage * making it possible to dynamically load/unload middleware * better handing of huge evaluation results * fixing the open bugs 🙂

volrath 2017-12-28T22:48:00.000101Z

@rickmoynihan ^ there's a fix for what we were talking about last night. two things: it will warn you/ask you for confirmation when you want to kill the REPL buffer, and if you do kill the buffer, it will disconnect every other buffer from that connection automatically


great! Can I get this from melpa yet or do I need to use git?

volrath 2017-12-28T23:13:52.000056Z

run M-x package-refresh-contents and M-x package-list-packages, then search for the updated spiral version and install it, package.el will handle the rest


Ouch clojure 1.2.0 by default, I remember you mentioned this at clojureX but hadn’t realised it supported such an old release… Why not shoot for 1.8.0 though? nREPL boot strapping from a socket-repl would be pretty sweet would it not?


How would you handle huge evaluation results differently? Like unrepl with elisions?


:thumbsup: thanks


@cgrand: FYI whilst playing with spiral and unrepl I noticed this problem on java 9:

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by unrepl.replG__152$classloader to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of unrepl.replG__152$classloader
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
Looks like it’s a problem with the module system in java 9; but don’t really know much about that. Could well be a clojure issue, or perhaps the fancy classloading/sideloading stuff you’ve been adding?

dominicm 2017-12-28T23:36:52.000114Z

Makes sense.