Hmph - (clojure.repl/doc a.b)
fails with an exception, and it's not easy to catch the exception because it's a macro
because clojure.repl
is not required?
no, because it's broken I think
CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: a.b, compiling:(unrepl-session:2:1) clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze (
it calls (resolve a.b)
, which throws
to make things worse, the logic is not exposed as a fn, only as a macro, see
another job for the common tooling lib
(try (eval '(doc a.b)) (catch Exception _ "Oops"))
on aux
nobody knows you are using eval
I'm bad enough that I'll actually do that
eval in eval is a lesser evil
I think only docs issues are left to fix before 0.3.0 release:
@pesterhazy why this bookkeeping?
that was there from the beginning - to know which callback to call when the result comes back
I know you introduced the eval ids for the same purpose
and :read
at some point I'll clean it up but it works for now
@richiardiandrea mobile chained, but why at runtime?
right, I was thinking that it would be even cooler for the client to have something like: "Please side load this library for me"
or even better
"side load cider-nrepl" info feature for me
and the client knows what jars to download and bundle for that to happen
(actually the last could be an already packaged jar)
One thing that mranderson
does is to rename .class
files as well
not in the short term
my boot-sources
just collects Clojure files
so if we want to side load also AOT-id/Java, probably the best option would be to refactor mranderson
and package it as boot
or just use lein
I would not want to reimplement this Java bits 😄
(lazy mode permanently on 😄)
That’s Jarjar and it’s just a thin veneer over ASM.
I was exploring only to see what's the best course of action. Would we want/need to side load .class
in your opinion?