Just had to say, just tried unravel, and okay, I get the unrepl protocol now, its awesome, and great job. I'm looking forward to seeing it replace nRepl as the defacto.
I was just going to quote you for @pesterhazy
@didibus what part of unravel awesomeness do you attribute to unrepl?
Just had my first experience with unravel
/ unrepl
-- instead of using telnet
to do some debugging against the Socket REPL we run in one of our production processes -- and wanted to pop in and say "thank you!" š
I see clients for Emacs and vim. Is anyone working on an Atom client?
Not to my knowledge
Iām working on a Jupyter kernel
@seancorfield feel free to submit bugs if you encounter any with unravel or unrepl
/github subscribe Unrepl/spiral
/github subscribe Unrepl/unravel