
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
pesterhazy 2018-03-23T16:24:46.000122Z

Unravel and unrepl are mentioned in @val_waeselynck's new REPL guide: https://clojure.org/guides/repl/enhancing_your_repl_workflow

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cgrand 2018-03-23T16:38:29.000018Z

too bad jack-in is not in stable yet

pesterhazy 2018-03-23T16:43:33.000492Z

I should finish up the 0.3.0 release, it seems to be working for people

cgrand 2018-03-23T16:47:11.000695Z

Also I find that mentioning “the unrepl protocol” muddies the water

pesterhazy 2018-03-23T17:13:38.000404Z

You mean it's not a protocol?

cgrand 2018-03-23T17:41:20.000674Z

It conveys complexity, no?

dominicm 2018-03-23T18:33:24.000277Z


pesterhazy 2018-03-23T20:10:57.000225Z

Unrepl may not be a complex protocol but a protocol nonetheless, I'd say. Or what else would you call it?

cgrand 2018-03-23T20:13:47.000514Z

I’d rather read “unravel only needs a socket repl” than “unravel uses the unrepl protocol"

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dominicm 2018-03-23T20:14:53.000530Z

As much as I like attribution, the cool part about unrepl is that it doesn't need mentioning

dominicm 2018-03-23T20:15:11.000559Z

I've been thinking of writing a blog, as I often do when I'm repeating myself.

pesterhazy 2018-03-23T20:17:42.000565Z

You should write a blog!

dominicm 2018-03-23T20:28:23.000103Z

I have one on pack to release first. It's hard to write a blog post saying "unrepl is awesome, please ignore it unless you're building a tool"

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