
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.
cgrand 2018-04-02T09:50:56.000006Z

@kotarak why and how exactly? @volrath is pushing for different elision settings when printing exceptions.

volrath 2018-04-02T09:51:50.000029Z

^can confirm


@cgrand In general it is not really a problem for user code. But it might also mean that something in the machinery itself is shaken. Then having to use the shaken machinery to obtain more info about the shaken machinery.... That gives me the creeps.


Stack traces and cause chains are usually not infinite.


I don't see the use of elision there.


In exceptional situtations you shouldn't have to do unnecessary jambowambo.

cgrand 2018-04-02T11:48:14.000032Z

@kotarak SO exception are still huge (can be mitigated by client rendering though). Plus payloads (ex-data) can be infinite.


@cgrand ex-data could be special cased. Rendering is a completely different thing. The client does not need to render thirty pages of stack frames. But it has the information available if requested. Without another highly non-trivial loop.


Complexity is the enemy. In particular in potentially broken situations.