
discussing specification of an edn-based repl and its implementations.

mauricio.szabo 2019-03-16T16:57:44.005400Z

Hello there! I'm trying to implement a better way to print #unrepl/object, and my first try was on this PR: https://github.com/Unrepl/unrepl/pull/49. Then I found out that it wouldn't work as good as I imagined, so I began to explore alternatives. One of the ideas I had was to use edn/read-string over pr-str. This works to some extent, but elisions don't

mauricio.szabo 2019-03-16T17:00:35.006800Z

So, for example, if I try to eval the code:

(let [lst (java.util.LinkedList.)]
  (doseq [n (range 100)] (.add lst n))
It renders a valid key: :pr-str (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #unrepl/... {:get (unrepl.repl$RAF27JuLJi7mSBYfklsxbq$Xbf0/fetch :G__42779)}), but trying to fetch the elision returns just (...)

mauricio.szabo 2019-03-16T17:04:11.009800Z

So, how exactly does elisions work, and how could I implement somekind of "pretty parser" to generic Java objects? To explain better my problem, I am using UNREPL on Atom's Chlorine package, but when I evaluate some code that returns a java object that have a Clojure representation (like some datomic-free queries that return java.util.HashSet or something that overrides print-method) I want to be able to render the result the same as it would appear over nREPL, for example...