@mauricio.szabo the elision should work
Generally I understand your problem and I’d like to come up with some good solution that doesn’t involve duplicating custom printers
To me it stems from a fundamental asymmetry in Clojure: printing is extensible without bounds while reading is rather closed (no custom readers). If print was split in two: one open part providing a data representation and one closed part serializing it to stream then it would be easier to interecept and modify.
The first (open) part looks a lot like datafy
I see printify
in the future. 🙂
Yeah, I found the problem. I don't even know what happened, but the idea is that somehow the pr-str
was working over an elided collection, so the "next" element was just ...
My great joy would be the day I can read (doto (java.util.LinkedList.) (.add (keyword "foo bar") 10))
with UNREPL 😄. But I also agree that its not unrepl's responsibility to try to understand even invalid EDN, so...
Yes, I'm aware of that. But it doesn't parses bad keywords and symbols inside java objects that renders like Clojure ones
(and I don't really expect it to, btw)