defui SearchTable [{[:search :tab] [:es-type :es-sort-fields :sort-ascending?]}
{:hits (get-query SearchTableRow)}
(defui SearchTab [{:hits (get-query SearchTable)}
i do load-field-action on :hits in SearchTab, and this causes the props to have not-found
so far I haven't noticed any issues in production with this, and everything still works as expected
but it would be nice if load-field-action excluded [:search :tab] like it would exclude :ui/foobar
load field should narrow the query to JUST the field
it does
i'm loading :hits on SearchTab
yeah, so [:search :tab] should not be affected
this is the behaviour i'm seeing
are you right at a union?
the ident might be confused?
so the api-read is going to see a query like [:search [{:hits [:hits :total [:search :tab]]}]]
notice I have 2 :hits in my example so it's confusing
why is :search :tab there?
remember that that is an ident
yes I need access to that data in SearchTable
i was hoping idents would be stripped out like ui/foobar is stripped out
putting an ident in a query is valid syntax
but it shouldn't be sent to the server
it is, but you're saying the SERVER should return it
by putting it in load-field's query
which overwrites it
totally valid thing to ask for, but you're unintentionally asking for it
no way to automatically elide that
load-field has a :without
option for this kind of case, but not sure we tested an ident case
i agree the case is contrived a bit, but sticking with my analogy on ui/foobar, if I load-field-action on :hits, and the query was [:search [{:hits [:hits :ui/foobar]}]] that would not be sent to the server
prefix is defined to always be elided...separate issue
an ident is valid query syntax
oh ok
(to server)
i guess that's my confusion I thought an joining on an ident has no meaning server side
in fact, load-field sends and ident-based join to the server 🙂
i'll try without 🙂
[:type-of-thing id]
makes total sense to a server 🙂
if it is a persistent thing
Yah I see now
nods okay, i'll use computed props or something
try :without
. We should make that support idents
it may "just work". Have not looked at the impl
but it should just work 😉
so in this case, when the server returns data for the ident, do you automatically merge it into [:search :tab] ?
:without #{[:type :id]}
merge is recursive on return value, and since you asked for it but didn't return it: not-found
though technically the sweep step should turn not-found into literally nothing...that's a minor bug too
it's weird to see anything at all in the global state at [:search :tab :hits [:search :tab]] for the ident [:search :tab], because if I actually returned a value from the server for [:search :tab] it would not exist in the global state at the path [:search :tab :hits ...] the data would be merged into [:search :tab], and then when computes the props for the query [... [:search :tab]] it would fill it in
but as it stands I see [:search :tab] not found in the global state under hits
yah "into literally nothing" i guess we're on the same page 🙂
oh right. that's a little screwy
it should have totally "wiped" your :tab entry of the :search table
that's another ident-related merge bug, I'd say
when the ident isn't in a join (perhaps) here's the first bug
fyi i'm starting to write a series of little addons to our untangled project, i'm not sure they're suitable for mass adoption, but they work in all our use cases and simplify the API
so i'll entertain you with the list of addons fyi 🙂
1) i wrote my own transact! to never require an apostrophe on the query
(defmacro transact!
`(transact! (:reconciler @admin.core/app) ~txs))
([reconciler txs]
(let [txs (->> txs
(mapv (fn [xf]
(if (list? xf)
(let [[mutation-sym & args] xf]
(assert (symbol? mutation-sym))
`(list (quote ~mutation-sym) ~@args))
wrote my own defui macro that returns a factory when you do @MyComponent, and also expects query as 2nd argument
(defmacro defui [name q & forms]
{:pre [(symbol? name)
(or (map? q) (vector? q) (list? q))]}
`(let [factory-fn# (atom nil)]
( ~(with-meta name {:once true})
~'static cljs.core/IDeref
(~'-deref [this#]
(~'query [this#]
(reset! factory-fn#
( ~name {:keyfn (framework.core/mk-defui-keyfn ~name)}))))
it also uses ident as the react-key by default
if no idents, then it uses GUID
good enough for our purposes
in our mutations you can bind a mutation namespace to an ident, so that the 'ref' is always set to the binding for any mutation that begins with myns/foobar
(m/bind-ns-to-singleton-ref! 'search [:search :tab])
this let's us transact! from anywhere on (search/...) and still have the mutation implementation leverage 'ref'
you can also bind namespaces to ComponentType
(m/bind-ns-to-component! 'search-row
in this case when transacting on this, (presumably a child of SearchTableRow such as SearchTableRowColumnXYZ ) any mutation that that has namespace search-row/xxx will find the nearest parent with component type SearchTableRowso the idea here is to use computed props less
and just have transact! be applied to relevant parent
hope that's useful
i guess another would be I have swap-this! swap-global!
swap-global! is just swap! on app state
swap-this! is swap! on app state + ref
(defmethod m/mutation 'search-row/activate-listing [env _ params]
{:action (fn []
(m/swap-this! env assoc :status "ACTIVATED"))})
Yeah, I like the swap helpers. Not quite following what the bind things are doing. I'm a little tired today...not thinking very fast 😕
The deref trick for factories is an interesting twist
ah, I see on your binding. Interesting. A bit more convoluted on the ref bit. Harder to trace what's going wrong when things bubble like that, but tractable.
I can see how that reduces some of the boilerplate
@tony.kay fyi the deref trick code I wrote doesn't work in :advanced mode yet 😞
i think 'static' has some issues in advanced that i'm not appreciating
you using the latest Om/UC?
I think there was a static fix, but perhaps it didn't get merged yet
hm interesting
i'll try it out i haven't tested advanced in 2 months