
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
tony.kay 2016-10-20T15:17:32.002789Z

@mping Thanks. I'm going to simplify the source tree there.




there are several sql libraries for clojure. The only one i’ve used this korma, and I found it to be pretty easy to understand sql. I don’t know if there are better libraries out there, but I don’t think any of them will be terribly hard. I believe korma includes connection pooling.

darrellesh 2016-10-20T20:18:23.002794Z

@mping If you are trying to play around with the Forms component just switch to the Forms branch and all will build fine.


@mping that's fixed in develop branch

tony.kay 2016-10-20T22:11:15.002796Z

I reworked the overall source structure to a much simpler shape this morning