
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
claudiu 2017-01-22T13:49:36.002344Z

@tony.kay a video series like that sounds really really amazing amazing. Lifesaver for someone like me, thats starting out.

claudiu 2017-01-22T13:51:54.002345Z

Haven't found a lot of videos like that, would definitely be really helpfullyโ€‹ no matter the language or tooling they use.

claudiu 2017-01-22T13:54:37.002346Z

A few things I wish I could find more resources are: code splitting on routes & how to do debouncing.

claudiu 2017-01-22T13:56:35.002347Z

Ex: 10 checkbox filters, each action updates the state of the filters & only get the data after 800 ms after the last set filter action

claudiu 2017-01-22T13:58:30.002348Z

In js react & redux + redux-observables (rxjs) it's really easy.

claudiu 2017-01-22T14:02:28.002349Z

@tony.kay Feel like the best om.next videos were the ones for untangled, would be great if you could add "om.next" in the title or description so that they would show up when people search for om next :)

eric.shao 2017-01-22T15:22:15.002350Z

I am learning untangled-devguide E_UI_Queries_and_State_Exercises.clj. Why I can get ":people [[:db/id 1] [:db/id 2]]" but I canโ€™t get person : " null :name null :mate null โ€œ ?๐Ÿ˜…

kauko 2017-01-22T15:22:56.002351Z

You can use to highlight code btw ๐Ÿ™‚

eric.shao 2017-01-22T15:24:32.002352Z

(let [{:keys [db/id person/name person/mate]} (om/props this) (js/console.log :id id :name name :mate mate))

kauko 2017-01-22T15:25:00.002353Z

Surrounding by three ticks creates a block, good for long pieces of code ๐Ÿ˜›

eric.shao 2017-01-22T15:25:02.002354Z

@kauko thank u.๐Ÿ˜€

eric.shao 2017-01-22T15:25:36.002355Z

(let [{:keys [db/id person/name person/mate]} (om/props this) ](js/console.log :id id :name name :mate mate))