Client 0.8.0 on clojars. Adds:
- Added defmutation
- Fixed up namespaces that defined macros to allow for implicit macro usage by adding self-references
- Added support for multiple remotes (networking option now accepts a map)
- NOTE: clear-pending-remote-requests!
now requires a remote parameter.
- Added support for progressive load updates (nice for file
upload support)
I've got a branch of untangled-ui with working file upload on forms. Still needs clean-up, but is working pretty well.
Awesome! I’ll check it next week
@baris currently embedded in one ns here:
ahh thx....was searching for it
there's a little placeholder server here:
nothing really special there...just handles post to /file-upload (
@tony.kay that’s fantastic…I’ll try it tomorrow and then implement it in my project next week...
The form support is getting close, which would make it even better.
for sure
so you'd get an Untangled mutation on the form, which would have already uploaded the files.
it's just a bit of cleanup away
I’m busy with other things....but my first impression is very promising. independent cleanup or not
great example!
I’m speechless! This is more than a simple file upload
I’m looking forward untangled-ui
meant to be a reusable thing. Custom rendering of progress, etc. Just a couple of mutations and a UI component. The form support makes the state management story easier
e.g. you upload the file, but the tempid remap happens when you submit the form...which allows you to separate the file upload logic from the application logic.
@fragamus that exception doesn’t say much other than it cant find the class Lifecycle
Can you provide some code, probably just your app.system
Also are there any conflicts/warnings when you do lein deps :tree > /dev/null
@fragamus Try making sure you have a :min-lein-version in your project file of a recent lein version
at least 2.0.0...heroku defaults to something very old. I remember having problems there
maybe :min-lein-version "2.7.0"
Also, remember that your runtime classpath will not be the same as dev. I think you might have to specify a profile to get deps to tell you the right thing.
lein with-profile uberjar deps :tree
with that you might find that component is only coming in during dev
:min-lein-version "2.6.1"
i changed it to 2.7.0 but I got this message: Warning: This project requires Leiningen 2.7.0, but you have 2.6.1
Hm. It appears to be there. Have you tried upgrading everything to latest versions? untangled-client, om, cljsbuild, etc.? Also, try putting a hard dep on component in your deps with the latest version @fragamus
Ok I shall try that later when I am near my dev box. One thing I noticed is really weird. The app crashes twice. The first time heroku brings it up it times out for port binding. There is no exception regarding SS. But there is also no output from my main which should say hello world. After that, it appears to retry and that's when the SS thing goes wrong.
you're putting in a config that has an :env.edn/PORT value, right?
sounds like you don't have the config set right for the port
{ :port :env.edn/PORT }
Tony, I'm just trying to make the websockets recipe run on heroku. Maybe we can start over from that recipe.
The other idea i have is digging into the runtime to really understand the exception.
It looks gnarly but it seems necessary. the error message means something and with some additional instrumentation it could tell us something about what is happening.