
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:50:56.583898Z

@jasonjckn The client reads are whatever you send. But they always involve UI queries

tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:51:29.585528Z

for normalization and data-driven concerns. It really isn't different from Om Next there. You use process-roots in Om Next to decouple to two instead

tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:51:57.587010Z

I'm encoding the video now...will be up shortly

tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:52:10.587621Z

hopefully it will clarify some things...white board, so please forgive my hadnwriting (and spelling evidently)

tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:53:02.590592Z

The hardest part is what to call it and where to put it... 😕

tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:54:10.593980Z

And @jasonjckn, the work is not pushed on the server by Om Next, it's pushed onto your parser emitter logic on the client, and into your networking, and merge logic for the responses. The server just responds for what is asked.

tony.kay 2017-03-11T01:54:12.594065Z

in both

tony.kay 2017-03-11T02:04:36.625580Z

So Untangled and Om Next both do exactly the same things when you look at the network traffic: use UI-based queries to ask for just what you want. In Om Next the parser is the function that takes app state -> UI tree. In Untangled, it is raw db->tree...so you pre-write the "computed views" of the server-loaded data into the app state graph. The video should clear it all up.

tony.kay 2017-03-11T02:13:38.649645Z

The video is on YouTube at https://youtu.be/mT4jJHf929Q

👍 7
urbank 2017-03-11T08:16:13.322042Z

@tony.kay Wow, that's a ~1h video! The support on this channel is amazing

tony.kay 2017-03-11T17:38:11.694737Z

Thanks, but more importantly, did it help? 🙂

fz 2017-03-11T20:30:53.288401Z

@tony.kay thank you so much. That video was the missing link that makes all the other resources make sense


@tony.kay really useful video, makes the ideas and structure around loading much clearer, many thanks!

urbank 2017-03-11T20:36:42.305985Z

@tony.kay Helped a lot! Really tied everything together for me 🙂