
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
fz 2017-03-19T01:43:04.332340Z

Hey @wildermuthn this discussion between urbank and Tony sounds similar: https://clojurians.slack.com/archives/C0PULSD25/p1489162516671169

fz 2017-03-19T01:44:26.335556Z

Question: Is a union query/component the right abstraction for a master-and-detail UI, where the details pane shows additional information about the selected item in the master list?

wildermuthn 2017-03-19T01:48:55.346045Z

Thanks @fz

wildermuthn 2017-03-19T01:53:08.356402Z

"You can also replace the networking in client, talk to whatever you want, and restructure it to cljs data structures on the client side” — sounds like what I’m looking at. The BE is managed by another team entirely, and isn’t going to be modified for the FE. Whether Untangled is used rather than plain Om.Next, there needs to be a middleman for us of some sort. Up until now we’ve used DataScript.

lucasbradstreet 2017-03-19T02:09:09.394608Z

I'm seeing data-fetch/load trash ui keys after the data is merged. Any tips for where to look for the cause?

adambros 2017-03-20T03:39:02.010923Z

https://github.com/untangled-web/untangled-client/issues/69 seems like its :merge-ident

lucasbradstreet 2017-03-20T04:33:35.258243Z



is there any reason why load-data-action doesnt accept :post-mutation-params? As a workaround i call mark-ready directly