
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
claudiu 2017-03-23T08:35:36.428580Z

@stephenway Are you using PostCss for everything or combining it with om-css from untangled repo ? Really like the idea of co-located css.

claudiu 2017-03-23T10:34:10.964935Z

Is there a easy/recommended way in untangled to do something like. Fire up the data fetch only after 1sec has passed since the last filter was applied.

claudiu 2017-03-23T10:34:37.971142Z

In js in was trivial with redux-observable middleware (rxjs).

stephen 2017-03-23T15:19:10.739716Z

@claudiu Right now it’s only using PostCSS to compile, and we have looked at using om-css, but currently do not have the bandwidth to convert it to such a state. I think it would be awesome to have colocated styles though!

claudiu 2017-03-23T15:22:38.826469Z

@stephenway is anybody using om-css in production or is it still experimental ?

stephen 2017-03-24T15:30:57.214182Z

@claudiu Not that I am aware of. Maybe the guys at adstage? No reason not to use it in production that we can see.

mitchelkuijpers 2017-03-23T15:23:00.835493Z

We are using: https://github.com/ladderlife/om-css in production

mitchelkuijpers 2017-03-23T15:23:05.837848Z

That is the other om-css

claudiu 2017-03-23T15:24:47.880447Z

@mitchelkuijpers thank you, missed that one. Will check it out πŸ™‚

mitchelkuijpers 2017-03-23T15:25:09.889438Z

But we are looking into wrapping https://styled-components.com/

mitchelkuijpers 2017-03-23T15:25:21.894886Z

Maybe something that you can use garden instead of the strings

mitchelkuijpers 2017-03-23T15:25:40.902757Z

But we are waiting for the js-modules to get a little bit more mature

claudiu 2017-03-23T15:29:46.007295Z

that would be a interesting approach πŸ™‚

tony.kay 2017-03-23T17:08:30.394740Z

@claudiu Mutations are meant to be abstract...so the filters should be calling some set-filter kind of mutation, and the debouncing should be done in the mutation implementation (for fetch). In terms of implementing that: For example: you could have an atom that is "private" to that set of filter mutations that holds onto a js timer that you reset at each mutation...if it expires, it could then run a load against the reconciler or component (which you can get from the component passed to the mutation in env).

tony.kay 2017-03-23T17:09:49.423595Z

I'd typically recommend the reconciler or the (app-root reconciler) be the thing used with load (in that kind of scenario), since the component that triggered the mutation could get un-mounted due to user navigation in the UI before the timeout.

tony.kay 2017-03-23T17:13:24.503050Z

The ladderlife om-css requires you use a custom defui (which leads to better ability to export the CSS for post-processing and use as a file). The untangled version approach is less invasive, but expects that you'll have the CSS embed into the DOM without using a file.

tony.kay 2017-03-23T17:14:09.519447Z

My thought was that having cljs to manipulate the CSS was sufficient, but there are some powerful pre-written CSS tools out there. pros/cons πŸ˜„

claudiu 2017-03-23T18:56:38.801110Z

@tony.kay ok πŸ™‚ I could not find anything regarding om.next middleware. I had a lot of fun with https://redux-observable.js.org/ and was curious if I could use a similar in om.next/untangled.

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:00:56.893789Z

too hard of a question, to answer well.

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:01:03.896302Z

not that middleware is hard

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:01:15.900364Z

nor would it be hard to do whatever you'd like in theory

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:01:29.905478Z

the problem is you need to understand the model before you start trying to mix and match tech

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:02:25.925254Z

when you ask a direct question like debouncing filter updates, that I answer clearly...when you ask about integrating redux...I'm no expert on that topic, nor do I plan to research it for you πŸ˜‰

claudiu 2017-03-23T19:05:07.980212Z

agh πŸ˜„ not really about integrating redux. Switching from js/redux to clojure & untangled. Was just curious if there was a similar pattern.

claudiu 2017-03-23T19:05:26.986519Z

Will probably figure it out as I keep working on my project with untangled.

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:06:06.999997Z

Yes, I think there are a lot of similarities. I

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:06:27.007329Z

think you'll find that Untangled/Om Next has a similar simple nature to Redux...from what I know aabout it at least

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:06:53.015687Z

You know about the video playlist on Youtube? Many ppl have found those very useful

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:07:05.019641Z

See the Untangled website docs section

claudiu 2017-03-23T19:09:27.065914Z

yes, thank you so much for the video series πŸ™‚ a few of them I have watched more than once.

tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:09:59.076305Z


tony.kay 2017-03-23T19:10:37.088843Z

For anyone interested: I'll be manning the Navis booth at Clj West next week. Come chat about Untangled and Om Next.

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