Hi all, I currently using Om.Next to render my Highchart. It works but it looks ugly so I would like to know if anyone has a better way for it.
I have to store the highchart in an appstate
solved it: ;;; Highchart (defui MyLocalChart Object (render [this] (let [{:keys [tableconfig]} (om/props this) my-chart-config (utils/gen-chart-config-handson tableconfig)] (dom/div #js {:style {:height "100%" :width "100%" :position "relative"} :ref (fn [mydiv] (if (some? mydiv) (js/Highcharts.Chart. mydiv (clj->js @my-chart-config))))}))))
Hi, fallowed untangled in the large video. Got html5 routing working except for the initial entry point.
ex: /login
will show :main although the state is :login
and on figwheel reload it changes and shows the login html.
:started-callback (fn [{:keys [reconciler]}]
(reset! r/history (pushy/pushy
(partial r/set-route! reconciler)
(partial bidi/match-route r/routes)))
(pushy/start! @r/history)))))
anyone have any idea what I should do ?