
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
jonystorm 2017-04-04T00:01:19.945312Z

I’m on master branch

jonystorm 2017-04-04T00:02:13.953419Z

but I keep getting that error with the Id from server console

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:02:50.959252Z


jonystorm 2017-04-04T00:02:52.959510Z

I’m working with another person and he has the same issue

adambros 2017-04-04T00:03:24.964573Z

maybe look at the network request payload to see what the server is sending the client?

adambros 2017-04-04T00:04:01.970040Z

make sure you’ve cleared any browser cache

adambros 2017-04-04T00:04:13.971636Z

not that this sounds like that kind of problem

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:06:41.993470Z

develop branch does look broken in general

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:06:54.995279Z

with advanced opt...prob a new client prob with optimizations

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:08:04.005128Z

works for me on develop with dev build

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:08:15.006596Z

but not production

jonystorm 2017-04-04T00:08:38.010004Z

Ok, I’ll switch to develop and try that branch

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:08:50.011637Z

make sure you clean, and make sure you clean browser cache.

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:08:56.012267Z

using chrome?

jonystorm 2017-04-04T00:08:59.012667Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:09:05.013561Z

open console. click options

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:09:12.014359Z

find "disable cache while js console open"

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:09:18.015240Z

turn that on, and leave console open

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:09:21.015717Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:09:32.017274Z

master should be working better than develop

tony.kay 2017-04-04T00:10:21.024162Z

I gotta head out though. But I have verified that develop dev build worked for me. I build the support and dev build, then loaded it from the server port (which the server says when it starts). Nothing works right if you don't do that, though 😉

jonystorm 2017-04-04T00:11:49.036536Z

Ok great, thank you very much for your prompt reply! I’ll try all that

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:22:26.139754Z

@jonystorm did you get it working?

jonystorm 2017-04-04T15:23:29.164397Z

Nope, I thought it might be datomic edition, since I have pro, but I keep getting the same error message

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:24:00.176658Z

did you modify something? It should be using datomic free

jonystorm 2017-04-04T15:25:20.208357Z

I added

:repositories {"<http://my.datomic.com|my.datomic.com>" {:url "<https://my.datomic.com/repo>"
                                   :creds :gpg}}
so it finds it, and it does but when I run the app it’s the same result

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:26:02.224833Z

try running it stock. shouldn't matter, but it does work for me.

jonystorm 2017-04-04T15:30:37.333592Z

I’ve just tried with develop branch and it’s the same result

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:31:25.352979Z

hm. That's really odd.

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:33:52.412348Z

so, your usage sequence is: 1. Start the regular app 2. Play with it...you see server accepting remote changes 3. Submit a support request via Help with a message 4. Copy the ID from the server log 5. Start the support viewer with that ID right? No pauses or restarts in the middle anywhere

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:34:14.420332Z

and you're building the support and dev targets via figwheel or something

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T15:39:05.533835Z

I see stuff like this in my app-state:

[:sale.issue/by-id 17592186045605] {:ui/fetch-state
Which is wrong I think this is fixed in 0.8.1 but this one is not released yet

jonystorm 2017-04-04T15:39:14.537151Z

1. I run JVM_OPTS="-Ddev -Dtest -Dsupport" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj` 2. once it finishes I run (on another console) lein run and when ready (go) 3. go to <http://localhost:3000/dev.html?list=MyList> play with it, all changes ok 4. submit support request via help with message 5. copy the id from server log 6. open new browser tab on <http://localhost:3000/support.html?id=1001> and get that error, no restarts no pauses

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:39:41.548267Z

@mitchelkuijpers try snapshot and let me know

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T15:39:49.551296Z


mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T15:45:28.682992Z

@tony.kay totally fixes it awesome

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:46:03.696634Z

@jonystorm Did you actually play with the app between 3 & 4

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:46:04.697022Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:46:24.705433Z

If not, there are no steps saved...the iseq message is basically saying there is nothing to play back

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:47:13.724265Z

just did your exact steps and it works

jonystorm 2017-04-04T15:47:25.729207Z

I added a couple of elements to the list and marked them as done

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:47:36.733422Z

At the figwheel prompt, maybe try (reset-autobuild) and make sure you've got a good build?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:48:00.742922Z

Also, try a different browser. Could be a chrome plugin hosing you?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T15:48:23.751813Z

I've seen ppl get screwed by certain dev cljs plugins

jonystorm 2017-04-04T15:49:25.776047Z

I’ll try disabling all chrome plugins and also will try on a different browser

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:00:59.054246Z

Also, if you can show me (via the network tab) what is coming over the network when you try the support viewer, it would be potentially enlightening

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:01:18.061904Z

e.g. what is the response...it is transit+json, so it isn't pretty

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T16:04:26.135837Z

The snapshot seems to break something else related to loading markers

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:07:02.193381Z

Hm. bummer. let me know what you're seeing. The merge for ident-based remotes was wrong (and still has a problem). Could be related. If you can quantify that more, it would help

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T16:10:22.267036Z

Sure I am going home now but I will check it out tommorow

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T16:10:38.272861Z

It seems something todo with lazily-loaded

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:10:44.275284Z


mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T16:11:04.282237Z

But the other bug is fixed ^^

jonystorm 2017-04-04T16:19:46.470207Z

I tried firefox and safari, disabling chrome plugins and it’s the same result.. regarding the response, on the support view I’m not getting any transit+json response, no requests to the api, the response to the support.html request is the html that loads the support.js

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:20:09.478642Z

you should see an /api request

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:23:05.541794Z

I cannot even guess what is going wrong for you. If you're not seeing an API request, then it means it isn't even figuring out the URI...that makes no sense

jonystorm 2017-04-04T16:25:14.588111Z

my guess is that the error breaks execution so it doesn’t even try to send those api requests

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:26:21.612872Z

I'd like to see the tail of your network requests for support

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:26:31.616494Z

no search

jonystorm 2017-04-04T16:29:48.686718Z

the requests in between are all js files

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:30:04.692775Z

Internal redirect???

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:30:09.694679Z

you have a proxy on your network?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:30:18.697932Z

or some other network magic going on?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:30:42.707189Z

you're getting a 307 from your localhost, which almost always means you've got some screwy OSX thing installed that is messing with localhost connections

tony.kay 2017-04-04T16:31:02.714789Z

the 307 is not coming from your untangled server

jonystorm 2017-04-04T16:34:19.784437Z

but I’ve just checked on firefox (where I’m getting the same error) and shows no internal redirect

jonystorm 2017-04-04T16:36:40.833243Z

no proxies, nor network magic

jonystorm 2017-04-04T16:55:48.232167Z

Testing on 2 other pc’s.. both same error, one of them has the 307 redirect, the other doesn’t. We will keep testing and share if we get it to run correctly. Thanks for the concern

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:08:05.496604Z

correct server port?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:08:21.502306Z


jonystorm 2017-04-04T17:09:16.521563Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:09:44.531359Z

PCs, not mac?

jonystorm 2017-04-04T17:09:52.534020Z

3 macs

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:09:55.535118Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:10:26.545891Z

the 307 should not be there...um, figwheel does try to connect on the generated js. I assume figwheel is still running

jonystorm 2017-04-04T17:11:30.568162Z

right.. it is, no server errors, nor repl nor figwheel

jonystorm 2017-04-04T17:14:15.625265Z

is there a way to check the databse on ram? to see if it is actually saved ?

jonystorm 2017-04-04T17:15:12.644441Z

I imagine that if I get the “new support request id” it is because it’s returned by datomic and it is saved..

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:15:59.661694Z

the problem isn't with your server if you never ask the server

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:16:07.664471Z

according to your js console, you never get to that pt

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:16:16.667654Z

so debugging datomic is a waste of time at the moment

jonystorm 2017-04-04T17:19:42.739402Z

right.. so the error is because of the missing api request, there’s something preventing it, and it’s not the error

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:20:21.752624Z

could you use quicktime to screen record, doing the following: 1. Do everything up to the support.html?id=1001 bit 2. Make sure network dev tool is open 3. scroll slowly through the list of resources loaded (so I can pause and look)

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:20:56.765083Z

then maybe use handbrake to drop the video to mp4 and 5fps (so it is small) and send it to me?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:21:20.773527Z

or, we could spin up hangouts and look via screen sharing

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:21:32.777834Z

I have no more time to fiddle via text messages 🙂

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:42:09.211037Z

looks like a bug in 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT (load markers are messed up). Using an older version of client fixes it (todo mvc)

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:46:42.306822Z

Something goes wrong with the replacement of tempid's with follow-on reads after mutations

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:47:57.333727Z

which version?

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:48:06.336747Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:48:56.354786Z


mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:50:10.380520Z

And I seem to have to add a extra key to refresh 0.8.1 to make sure a certain key is re-read after a load finishes

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:50:32.388589Z

But fixed it by adding a extra refresh key (so maybe a user erro)

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:50:37.390299Z


mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:50:45.393006Z

Ow lol this is not hipchat :lol:

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:50:48.394190Z

the latter might actually be due to us removing the forced root re-render

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:51:01.398952Z

Ah but it worked on 0.8.0

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:51:10.401926Z

I thought that was removed on 0.7.0

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:51:11.402442Z

which I thought we had already affected

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:51:13.403104Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:51:18.404955Z

don't know about that one

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:51:24.407419Z

we didn't change more about refresh

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:51:30.409268Z

since that

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:52:16.425734Z

I'll see if I run into that some more

tony.kay 2017-04-04T17:52:24.429255Z


mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T17:57:47.547181Z

I am looking into where the follow on read tempid-replacement might go wrong

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:06:33.742817Z

Hmm I am doing a mutation and then a separate df/load in one function maybe that is problem

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:10:00.815655Z

it's ok to have multiple mutations on a single thread execution

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:10:08.818279Z

but the mutations will be ordered before the loads

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:10:10.819220Z

in the net queue

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:10:17.821551Z

(assuming they are remote)

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:10:17.821892Z

Yeah that is what I thought

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:10:23.823852Z

Yes they are

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:13:56.898564Z

This seems correct:

[2609.067s] [om.next] transacted '[(sale/link-issue {:issue-id "10103", :sale-id 17592186045629, :issue-link-id <#C06DT2YSY|om>/id["3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"], :funnel-id 17592186045568}) [:sale/by-id 17592186045629]], #uuid "a6f5904c-ccf2-40c0-a4f6-6019788c591d"
console.js:203  [2609.073s] [om.next] transacted '[(untangled/load {:remote :remote, :refresh [], :parallel false, :fallback nil, :marker true, :post-mutation nil, :without #{}, :post-mutation-params nil, :target nil, :query [{[:sale.issue/by-id <#C06DT2YSY|om>/id["3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"]] [:db/id :ui/fetch-state :sale.issue/issue-id {:sale.issue/funnel [:db/id]} :sale.issue/issue [:key {:fields [:issuetype :project :assignee :status :summary :priority]}]]}]}) :ui/loading-data], #uuid "b6ff70e3-b94d-416f-b5d3-a20bc812535f"
but the #om/id["3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"] never get's replaced while the remote sale/link-issue returns the correct response:
["^ ","~$sale/link-issue",["^ ","~:tempids",["~#cmap",[["~#om/id","~u3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"],17592186045645]]]]
So I think is a regression

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:24:07.119754Z

weird, but it worked in 0.8.0?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:24:28.127457Z

cause that would be the networking upgrade not remapping over the network queue, and that was an earlier release I thought

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:25:17.144180Z

Yes it works in 0.8.0

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:27:00.181690Z

I'll try it once more just to be sure

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:30:31.258075Z

one of the patches was to add support for more custom options when creating client. I suspect something is broken there, and some plumbing isn't in place

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:31:11.272962Z

Yeah the sequential option might be related

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:31:19.275974Z

Almost restarted the app so I can be sure

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:31:52.288356Z

Yes it works on 0.8.0

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:33:29.323249Z

frustrating...I cannot reproduce the errors in todomvc no matter what I try, but they work on older version as well.

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:33:43.328412Z

I wonder if I've not released a SNAPSHOT to clojars and it is using my local update

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:33:45.328991Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:34:52.353334Z

@jonystorm Any chance you could re-try with 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT. I suspect perhaps I didn't push an update to clojars? Same with @mitchelkuijpers

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:35:00.356250Z

I just pushed an update to be sure

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:35:13.360704Z


mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:37:13.403086Z

Sure I'll try

jonystorm 2017-04-04T18:39:03.441576Z

Sure.. I’ll try right now

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:42:56.522803Z

@tony.kay Still broken here

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:44:01.544913Z

do you customize migrate at all?

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:44:35.557092Z

:reconciler-options {:migrate nil
                               :pathopt false
                               :shared {;; Take absolute positioned elements in account for resizing
                                        :resizing/abs-pos-elems resizing/absolute-positioned-els-on-screen}}

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:44:41.559020Z

migrate is nil

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:45:13.570489Z

So no

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:46:52.605593Z


jonystorm 2017-04-04T18:47:04.610077Z

@tony.kay genius!!! it works, I’m on develop branch with 0.8.1-snapshot

jonystorm 2017-04-04T18:47:15.613863Z

with the latest jar

jonystorm 2017-04-04T18:47:43.623930Z

I owe you a couple of beers at least

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:47:45.624659Z

😕 I didn't do anything except re-push it

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:47:48.625956Z

to clojars

jonystorm 2017-04-04T18:48:36.642839Z

still a good reason to drink 🍺

👍 2
tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:49:25.660360Z

seems that 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT still has some issues, though

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:49:58.672030Z

explains why I could not make it fail at least

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:51:38.708320Z

@mitchelkuijpers I'll dig into the other bits...the parts that seem broken are: 1. tempid rewrite on net queue (or possibly ordering?) 2. some kind of load marker thing

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:51:55.714483Z

The load marker thing seems to work (for my case)

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:52:10.719570Z

The ordering seems correct because the calls go in the right order

mitchelkuijpers 2017-04-04T18:52:23.724633Z

The tempid rewrite seems to be my only issue

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:52:23.724635Z

oh, so only the tempid rewrite?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T18:52:27.726321Z

ok, thanks


Hello! I am just getting started with untangled 🙂 Is https://github.com/untangled-web/untangled-template meant to be cloned to get started or is it somehow available as a lein template?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:40:02.855581Z


tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:40:49.871085Z

we have a few too many resources to maintain, and lein templates are kind of pain with little gain

tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:41:04.875809Z



Thank you - it wasn’t clear to me


I also noticed there is bin/rename-project.sh. Is it intended to be run just after cloning?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:42:37.905648Z

yes, though it required a weird version of sed...I think that has been fixed. Try it..worst case you have to use git to undo 🙂

tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:56:30.173663Z

@mitchelkuijpers just out of curiosity: Do you have a custom network handler?

tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:57:10.186617Z

We added an extra protocol, that if not implemented, caused network requests to go in parallel. I'm fixing the default back to sequential.

tony.kay 2017-04-04T20:57:21.190419Z

I suspect that was the problem

tony.kay 2017-04-04T21:08:30.400896Z

fixed and pushed to clojars as a new snapshot. see if that helps

tony.kay 2017-04-04T23:50:04.471712Z

@gardnervickers @jasonjckn I think one of you were asking about load overwriting UI attributes. Found that problem and fixed in 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT

gardnervickers 2017-04-04T23:54:38.513872Z

@tony.kay Oh thanks so much!