I am running into an issue for which I know a solution, but i am curious if this was such a wrong approach. I get a callback from a user action which returns 0 or more things that I need to save let's call that action foo/save
And after that is done I load the thing by doing a df/load
. No when I run this only the last foo
will get loaded because my tx looks lik this [(foo/save {:id tempid1}) (foo/save {:id tempid2})]
And now the server will only return the mutation tempid mapping for the last action. No I can make a foo/save-bulk
but that does not give me anything expect for more code
@mitchelkuijpers So, this is a constraint of Om. The return from the server is a map, keyed by mutation name. I thought we just put in a patch that would make those go as separate network requests
though, I do not recommend triggering load from within a mutation
that is what load-action and remote-load are for
and, for that matter, direct access to the untangled/load
mutation within your top-level tx
1. Yes, you might want a save-bulk
, just because that would reduce network traffic
2. What you are doing should work in the latest version (the mutations should cause two net requests)
3. If you're CALLING load
from within a mutation, that is not a supported thing. Use composition (`load-action` + remote-load
) or directly use the untangled/load
mutation in your tx.
On (3), it sounds since you already have a remote mutation, you'd need an addition to the tx for the loads...which you could write as a mutation and use load-action
, or just directly use untangled/load
: (transact! this [(foo/save {}) (untangled/load {}) (foo/save {}) (untangled/load {})])
Not sure why you need the loads at all, since you knew all of the novelty on the client to begin with...I guess the server is adding novelty as well? If that is the case you could also use the server's mutation return values by adding a mutation-merge
handler, which would eliminate the need for the load
@tony.kay on 2 should that work in 0.8.1? Because I am running that
Yes...let me look up the patch
OK. The patch I was thinking of was by jasonjckn
and it covered reads with this problem
so, perhaps it isn't fixed for mutations
Btw I am doing a (om/transact!)
and a (df/load)
from where I get the callback with the id of id's of which I only know that. I thought about using untangled/load
directly but was not sure that was a valid approach
But I think I change it to a bulk mutation and then run the reads, that seems like the most simple solution
ok, remote mutations will be queued in front of reads, so that should be ok...it's mainly the same-named mutations that are causing your issue, I think
yes, what you said
Yes exactly
I think I will put in an issue, though. Untangled can solve Om's problem here. We have a sequential queue...we can separate out the mutations
That is a good point, it would be nice to just work. but do you want to run all mutations and then the reads?
Yes. All mutations should go before reads that were queued at the same time
normally, that means we order the mutations first and reads seconds and send one net request
but in cases where there are collisions on name, we have to split it up
Might also be nice to do some magic on the server and still send one mutation
the one mutation thing is up to you
I cannot morph that for you
That is a good point
but if you say: transact w/mutation, load, load, transact w/mutation (on one thread sequence), then we do send: mutation mutation load load
as one network request
which is also a problem
same problem really
if the mutations collide in name
or the loads for that matter
but the loads are already fixed
we just didn't do it for mutations
Maybe you want to just log a warning?
cause we didn't think ppl would need to send more than one of the same
nah, we can split them. That is the general purpose solution
Ok cool
we could log a warning that we have to split it...so you could optimize
but the optimization would be what you're doing...writing a single bulk mutation
so we could say you're optimizing your code, and avoiding a temporary bug as a side-effect 😉
Btw we are thinking about moving to untangled/om-css
we used to use the other ladderlife/om-css
one but we have some issues with it since we are moving to server-side rendering. Composing css to root is actually insanely cool for getting something on screen as fast as possible. Because you can just inject a style tag with the absolute minimal css needed to show what is on screen
It was not written to support that but the idea pretty much fixed SSR
nice. It's a super-small lib...I put it out there as more of a proof-of-concept. I'd love untangled-ui to use it, though...would make themeing a pure cljs task
My intern is fixing that pull request
NO CSS tooling would be soooooo sweet
Oh, that's you guys. cool!
No, that is someone else
We saw the almost done pull request
And we need it 😛
I see
it shouldn't take much
No and it is great fun for intern
@mitchelkuijpers Updated 0.8.2-SNAPSHOT on clojars. It now does tx splitting to fix what we discussed. Repeat calls to a remote mutation will now get split into separate network requests. Order of mutation1 remote-read1 mutation2 remote-read2 in a single tx should end up as 4 network requests (assuming you have a dupe key on reads as well): mutation1, mutation 2, remoter1, remoter2 If nothing is duplicate, it will be one net request. Basically, does the "right thing" to make sure that Om's map return value won't cause loss of data when a tx has duplicate keys/mutation names
@tony.kay do you think it's feasible to have a dynamic endpoint on the network handler? I found myself in a situation where having it dynamic would be handy, because the UI is working on a service that is sharded at our company, so I would like the user to be able to switch the shard he is accessing during runtime, and so each shard needs to target a different URL to do the calls, do you have another idea on how to handle this?
the best I can think of as now is to create a new network handler that uses some external atom to select the shard and then internally re-uses the standard network one, not super ideal, so please let me know if you have a different idea
@wilkerlucio: Is this what you mean: https://github.com/untangled-web/untangled-server/pull/11 - however it is not so much dynamic as multiple - but the client can change its mind, so dynamic in that respect.
I see this PR is on the server side, the server is not the problem, but the client
because we have the same service deployed in multiple shards
so each it's like it's own island, what I want is to be able, on the client, to change to which URL I'm going to point to
currently you can only setup the network once at the startup, then there is no way to change it in any manner
Right, I understand the issue.
but you just made me think, maybe there is a way to change, after all the networking is a record in a map, maybe there is a way to change it, I'm going to look on that, thanks 🙂
can only be set, not changed.
- that's what you are saying.
but this networking goes into the @app atom right? what if I just swap the atom and update the record?
Yes perhaps it can be changed on the client...
@wilkerlucio So, this is something the user would actually be able to choose?
yes, the user should be able to choose on which shard he wants to use the service
it's related to managing dead messages on the kafka processes, so the user knows in which shard he wants to operate
At start, or at any time?
any time preferably
So, I'd probably do it as a custom networking on the client, with an atom that you can globally change (from within a mutation). The networking object would then select the remote
of course, you have to make sure the browser is going to allow it...e.g. no cross domain
that's fine, the service has a graph api open for CORS (it only runs in internal networks, so it's safe to open CORS)
yeah...you could also make a special mutation, like switch-remotes
, that you set remote=true to. Hide the atom in your networking. When then networking sees a request to send switch-remotes, it handles thta instead of sending it
that's how we handle loads....the mutation comes in as a (remote) load mutation, and the processing layer transforms it to a query
yeah, I think I'll try with that, I just tried (swap! app assoc-in [:networking :remote :url] "<http://NEW-URL/api/admin/graph>")
but that didn't worked
not sure why you expected it to...app-state has nothing to do with networking
I see
Yeah, the running app is mounted...you just made a new data structure that nothing is using, and stored it in app
the existing code already closed over the networking
(defrecord DynamicNetwork [url-atom network]
(serialize-requests? [this] (net/serialize-requests? network))
(response-ok [this xhr-io valid-data-callback]
(net/response-ok network xhr-io valid-data-callback))
(response-error [this xhr-io error-callback]
(net/response-error network xhr-io error-callback))
(send [this edn ok error]
(-> network
(assoc :url @url-atom)
(net/send edn ok error)))
(start [this app]
(net/start network app)))
yeah, that looks good