
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
kgxsz 2017-05-03T08:13:33.608999Z

Hi, wondering if somebody has come across this when using untangled.server.core/untangled-system. The readme suggests setting up a system like this:

(def your-server
    {:api-handler-key ::your-api-handler-key
     :components {:config (usc/new-config)
                             :server (usc/make-web-server ::handler)
                             ::handler (make-your-ring-handler ::your-api-handler-key)}}))
So I'm having trouble seeing how to implement the read/`mutate` functions. Do I inject them somehow? I think I'm missing something obvious. Is there a full example somewhere I can get my head around? Thank you!

mahinshaw 2017-05-03T16:55:34.273558Z

@kgxsz you can check the cookbook. That has plenty of examples: https://github.com/untangled-web/untangled-cookbook

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adambros 2017-05-03T17:55:36.573224Z

@kgxsz you want https://github.com/untangled-web/untangled-server/blob/develop/README.adoc#25-defining-a-module--apihandler It looks like there's a typo, :handlers => :modules

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stephen 2017-05-03T18:49:23.753122Z

Does untangled or om.next use react router? Iโ€™m looking at how to use react router for a browser history back button but am unsure of that type of usage under untangled.

kgxsz 2017-05-03T18:57:22.935985Z

adambros: Yeah that typo was the issue for me. Thanks for pointing it out.

claudiu 2017-05-03T19:11:50.254472Z

donโ€™t think they play well together.

claudiu 2017-05-03T19:12:12.261844Z

there are docs explaining nicely how to implement routing and html5 history