
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
pithyless 2017-05-05T13:38:31.551960Z

In the routing example, the routing idents are [:login :top] and [:main :top] vs what I’d first expect: [:top :login] and [:top :main]. Can someone explain the reasoning or point me to some clarification docs?

tony.kay 2017-05-05T15:02:23.339903Z

Om determines which query to use based on the first entry in the ident so it's what must change.

tony.kay 2017-05-05T15:03:34.367636Z

Idents in general have the form [kind id]

tony.kay 2017-05-05T15:04:11.381338Z

Where kind matters in unions

tony.kay 2017-05-05T15:04:33.389704Z


cjmurphy 2017-05-05T23:20:48.665962Z

npm i -g gulp seemed to work fine.

cjmurphy 2017-05-05T23:21:13.668901Z

But npm i did not: npm ERR! install Couldn't read dependencies