
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro

I think I am lost, I am missing form parameters in POST request


my question, how do I get the data that sent with POST method? you know, with GET method we can see it on query string. in POST I cant find the body data both in req and params. sorry for my noob question.


Saw this post and thought I'd share, awhile back we had several discussions in here about d3 and react charts: http://post.oreilly.com/rd/9z1zeer38t43t4vcr9t1juujc9bm04clj87jr1tbh8g

pedroteixeira 2017-05-11T18:53:41.611209Z

in the untangled-template, I see the :extra-routes {:routes [["/hello/" [#"\d+" :id]] :sample1] in system.clj, but trying to GET /hello/ or /sample1/hello/ returns 404.. any hint? not familiar with all the stack still 🙂

adambros 2017-05-11T20:20:32.363407Z

@pedroteixeira you need to add an ID to your url, that's what the [#"\d+" :id] is about, eg: /hello/42 For reference, the extra routes is just a pass through to bidi https://github.com/juxt/bidi

pedroteixeira 2017-05-11T20:53:54.021313Z

ah.. of course, thanks. didn't read the pattern matching expr. 😕