
NEW CHANNEL: #fulcro
tony.kay 2017-05-27T01:36:47.882885Z

A new version of om-css is ready for testing with a new API: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT. The docs are on the develop branch. This requires the latest Om version 1.0.0-beta1.

tony.kay 2017-05-27T01:37:20.884870Z


tony.kay 2017-05-27T01:38:23.888478Z

It has the following improvements: No need for a macro on your render. Eliminates CSS duplication when more than one component composes in the same subcomponent. Makes using your localized classes easier with a map destructuring syntax instead of a special key in the attrs.

tony.kay 2017-05-27T01:43:12.906568Z

Thanks to @timovanderkamp, who collaborated with me on the new design, and did most of the coding.

tony.kay 2017-05-27T01:47:40.922176Z

@claudiu I’d encourage you to try ^^^

pedroteixeira 2017-05-27T22:50:02.062726Z

thanks for the examples!

adamvh 2017-05-27T22:57:13.079223Z

so, kind of an odd question: in working through the dev guide i don't see any place mentioning a url or port in any of the server interactions - is untangled client just pulling it from config somewhere?

tony.kay 2017-05-27T23:48:48.198397Z

@adamvh So, depends on the example. Some of them use fake networking and local js code for the server. In the ones that use a real server: you have to start the server. Yes, it uses a port from a config file, and then you must load the page from that server’s host/port (localhost)

tony.kay 2017-05-27T23:49:00.198821Z

at that point, the comms just go back to where the page came from